This page was last updated on June 25, 1998.
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I've compiled a number of wav files featuring various characters René Auberjonois has voiced or portrayed. I've also included a few .wavs from Deep Space Nine and Benson featuring other characters. Feel free to download anything you like. But first...
This site was created out of respect and admiration for René Auberjonois and his work.
All movies, television programs, etc. represented here are the property of their respective copyright holders. No copyright infringement is intended.
Unless otherwise specified, all .wav files were recorded by me. Please e-mail me if you have files to contribute.
Feel free to download these files and distribute them (free of charge, of course) to your friends. Keep in mind that I may have to remove some files to make room for new ones. If I remove a specific file before you have a chance to download it, or if you come across a bad link or corrupt file, e-mail me.
Please do not archive these files or link to this site or to any individual file without asking me first.
Finally! The .wavs!!! :-) Below, you'll find .wavs from DS9, Benson, and City of Angels (thanks, Cathy!). There's also a .wav from The Feud, as well as a .wav from Pete 'n' Tillie . Enjoy!
1stlast.wav (89K)
Lwaxana: "Is Odo your first or last name?"
Odo: "Yes."
himself.wav (200K)
Lwaxana explains why she finds Odo irresistible. ;)
liquid.wav (398K) parties.wav (501K) noinvest.wav (27K) neutral.wav (54K) mindjoin.wav (27K) pretty.wav (44K) choose.wav (108K) neck.wav (216K) outsider.wav (101K) fascinat.wav (38K) react.wav (62K) friend.wav (474K) younger.wav (369K) lovehim.wav (555K) (Sorry, but I don't have many third- or fourth-season .wavs recorded yet.)
marvels.wav (580K) observan.wav (27K) pardonme.wav (11K) differen.wav (76K) scowl.wav (216K) carnegie.wav (146K) romantic.wav (38K) loveme.wav (54K) relation.wav (283K) I haven't been able to find any other Benson sites on the net. Please let me know if you do.
Here are a few .wavs from various episodes. Most feature Clayton.
crash.wav (157K) gonnadie.wav (329K) notfault.wav (173K) toast.wav (109K) marriage.wav (313K) lawanda.wav (410K) goddess.wav (65K) women.wav (237K) shutup.wav (33K) answer.wav (141K) headache.wav (270K) The rest of my Benson .wavs come from one episode. I've included a few details about the plot so that they'll make sense.
congrats.wav (472K) Clayton is so upset when Benson wins the award that his resentment of Benson manifests itself, and he becomes convinced that he's Benson.
newdress.wav (178K) saywhat.wav (17K) Clayton, still convinced he's Benson, has been admitted to a sanitarium. At the request of his psychiatrist, Benson comes to visit him. The psychiatrist suggests a series of role-playing exercises. Benson agrees to pretend to be Clayton, since the doctor feels that Clayton "needs to confront himself." But Clayton doesn't like the role-playing exercises.
dontwant.wav (359K) Eventually, Benson manages to bring Clayton back to reality by explaining to him that things don't always go his way: A woman he was dating has just dumped him, and the state legislature rejected a bill he'd drafted. He also tells Clayton that one of Clayton's investments returned a large sum of money, but this is a lie, designed to strengthen Clayton's self-image and help him realize who he is.
These .wavs were recorded by Catherine Chandler ([email protected]).
Buddy Fiddler (Rene's character) is a famous Hollywood producer with an underdeveloped sense of ethics. Stein writes mystery novels, and Buddy has decided to make a movie based on one of Stein's novels.
movies.wav (361K) holein1.wav (91K) ballgame.wav (44K) gotjr.wav (92K) adore.wav (38K) Well, that's it. :) I hope you've enjoyed these pages as much as I enjoyed designing them. To quote the good Constable, "Everybody needs a hobby. " :-)
Don't forget to e-mail me with your comments and suggestions.
Odo explains his physical nature to Lwaxana
Odo discusses his years in the Research Center with Lwaxana while the two of them are trapped in a turbolift.
Odo: "I'm no investigator."
Odo: "I suppose I'm considered a neutral observer."
Odo: "Mind if I join you?"
Odo: "Pretty girl like you shouldn't be eating alone."
Kira calls Odo "Constable" for the first time.
During their first meeting, Quark asks Odo about the infamous Cardassian neck trick.
Odo: "I'm the outsider. I'm on no one's side. All I'm interested in is justice."
Odo: "How Fascinating."
Odo: "...women don't react to me in that manner."
Dax asks Odo a "very personal question."
Odo tells Taya about his youth.
Kira tells Odo she loves Bareil.
Odo talks to the baby changeling.
Odo: "You're very observant."
Odo: "Pardon me?"
Odo: "I tend to look a little different every day."
Odo tells Arissa why a good scowl is important in his line of work. ;-)
Vic confuses Odo by mentioning Carnegie Hall.
Odo: "Romantic, isn't it? <chuckle> "
Odo: "Are you saying that you love me?"
Kira: "Don't change the subject!"
Odo: "You know, Nerys, observing humanoid relationships and being in one are very different things."
Kira: "Like night and day."
From an early episode of the show. Clayton is convinced the plane he's on is going to crash...
From the same episode. Clayton and Pete (the character portrayed by Ethan Phillips) exchange what they believe may be their last words before death.
Clayton and Kraus argue.
Clayton proposes a toast.
The Governor expresses his views on marriage.
Benson tries to name the Seven Dwarves.
Clayton: "She is a goddess!"
Clayton: "What is wrong with women?"
Benson: "Have you ever considered that it might be you?"
Clayton: "...No...I find that hard to believe."
Clayton to Benson: "Will you shut up!?"
The phone rings.
Kraus: "What is the matter with you? Are you too good to answer the phone?"
Clayton: "Yes."
After he takes a physical, Benson thinks the doctor has bad news for him. He mentions the fact that he's been having headaches lately, and the governor and Clayton try to offer comforting words...
Clayton learns that Benson has won the Press Club's Man of the Year Award, an award he himself had desperately hoped to win, believing that it would further his political career. He makes a valiant effort to congratulate Benson.
At the awards ceremony, Kraus asks Benson what he thinks of her new dress...and he tells her.
Clayton (believing he's Benson): "Say what?"
strudel.wav (23K)
Benson to Kraus: "Go suck a strudel."
Clayton refuses to continue the role-playing game: "...Clayton upsets me...I want to forget that Clayton Endicott III ever existed."
Buddy discusses the art of movie-making.
Buddy: "Sweetheart, nobody gets a hole in one their first time at bat."
(Buddy tends to get his idioms confused.)
Stein (in imitation of Buddy): "That's a ball game of a different color, right?"
From The Feud . I have posted this one before, but I like it, so I'm putting it up again. :) Rene's character, a rather high-strung wannabe cop, says, "Oh my god...they got Junior!"
From Pete 'n' Tillie: "I adore the limelight."